Australian illustrator Ken Taylor fills his work with allusions to myth and epic storytelling. Taylor’s poster for Queens of the Stone Age’s 2024 performance in Sydney draws from the birth of Rome, Romulus and Remus at the teat of the she-wolf. He builds on that trinity, the twins now red horned devils. The matronly she-wolf a monster. This poster was made for QOTSA’s tour behind their latest release In Times New Roman…—a title and the thread continues.
Taylor’s illustration is exquisite—painterly. The text is simple. Effective without getting in the way of the art. Taylor keeps the performance information prominent and engaged in the composition. The art would work without the text, but with it the poster is more cohesive. This is a brilliantly subtle distinction. Taylor’s art goes beyond what a gig poster needs to be. His work enters new places, elevating both the performance and the myth of the band.
Queens Of The Stone Age gig poster by Ken Taylor