The females in the work of artist Eric van Straaten exist in that brief time that flashes between youthful innocence and matured womanhood.
His figures carry an edge of knowing danger — they cuddle objects as weapons, both animals and playtoys are at once cute and menacing. These figures take on the form of a girl gang of angelic faces, each character clinging to the next. A unit held together in an unspoken fairy tale-like narrative.
Van Straaten’s 3D printed sculptures capture their subjects in a fantasized reality — depictions of wise young girls where their eroticized cuteness is a kitsch remark.
For more of Eric van Straaten’s work follow these links —
Website: http://www.ericvanstraaten.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ericvanstraaten
Twitter: https://twitter.com/EricvanStraaten
Instagram: http://instagram.com/ericvanstraatendotcom
Tumblr: http://ericvanstraaten.tumblr.com/
Deviantart: http://ericvanstraaten.deviantart.com/
Pinterest: http://www.pinterest.com/ericvanstraaten/