MondoCon Year One: Jason Edmiston takes on The Iron Giant


Canadian based artist Jason Edmiston is known for his devout love of horror. Edmiston’s crafted a catalog of wonderfully vivid and alive portraits of Dracula, The Joker, Godzilla, and Freddy Krueger, plus countless other murderers and madmen with a sense of frenzied yet affectionate glee.

At this year’s MondoCon, Edmiston created six new pieces for Brad Bird‘s 1999 animated film ‘The Iron Giant.’ The event itself was a form of tribute to Bird’s modern classic, with posters coming from artists such as Landland, Jay Shaw, Phantom City Creative, Mike Saputo, and Alex Ross.

The world of ‘The Iron Giant‘ is a new visual space for Edmiston, but if his trio of Disney villains for the Mondo | Disney show ‘Nothing’s Impossible‘ showed us anything it’s that his enthusiasm can find the fright and allure in any film.

The first piece, ‘Iron Giant: Rain,’ is a compositional masterwork from Edmiston, placing the viewer at the heavy heels of the enormous robot. There’s space in these paintings — they breathe. They wrap around you. They move you. The film gave heart and sincerity to a giant slab of steel and Edmiston found it, creating some of his most breathtaking work to date.


'Iron Giant: Rain' by Jason Edmiston

‘Iron Giant: Rain’ by Jason Edmiston


Original pencils for 'Iron Giant: Rain' by Jason Edmiston

Original pencils for ‘Iron Giant: Rain’ by Jason Edmiston


'Iron Giant: Winter' by Jason Edmiston

‘Iron Giant: Winter’ by Jason Edmiston


'Iron Giant: Fall' by Jason Edmiston

‘Iron Giant: Fall’ by Jason Edmiston


Pencil work for 'Iron Giant: Fall' by Jason Edmiston

Pencil work for ‘Iron Giant: Fall’ by Jason Edmiston


'Iron Giant: Summer' by Jason Edmiston

‘Iron Giant: Summer’ by Jason Edmiston


Pencil work for 'Iron Giant: Summer' by Jason Edmiston

Pencil work for ‘Iron Giant: Summer’ by Jason Edmiston


'Iron Giant: Smile' by Jason Edmiston

‘Iron Giant: Smile’ by Jason Edmiston


Pencil work for 'Iron Giant: Smile' by Jason Edmiston

Pencil work for ‘Iron Giant: Smile’ by Jason Edmiston


'Iron Giant: Bolt' by Jason Edmiston

‘Iron Giant: Bolt’ by Jason Edmiston


Pencil work for 'Iron Giant: Bolt' by Jason Edmiston

Pencil work for ‘Iron Giant: Bolt’ by Jason Edmiston



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