Photographers Mert & Marcus (Mert Alas & Marcus Piggott) shoot fashion. Let’s stop and recall a few names.Vogue. Versace. Gucci. Dior. Dolce & Gabbana. Celebrities faces for these brands include Monica Belucci, Scarlett Johansson, and Natalie Portman. Lady Gaga and Penelope Cruz.
When seeing celebrities do what they do — actors, musicians. Pretty faces. It’s easy to forget what fame is. How it is fought for and won. Earned. What it is that society is celebrating them for, but once in awhile it hits you. ‘Oh, yeah. They’re awesome.’ Kate Moss has existed in the pop culture ether long enough to be at a state of suspended existence. She doesn’t need to be anything else, other than be Kate Moss.
The same can be said for Playboy magazine. It exists now, as it always will. A magazine that sparked that classic joke, ‘I read it for the articles.’ Playboy has been around for 60 years and to celebrate that fact they brought in famed fashion photographers Mert & Marcus to shoot this generation’s addition to the echelon of eternal beauties. Kate Moss.