In his piece Heavy Thoughts, Lithuanian illustrator Karolis Strautniekas perfectly communicates the struggle of carrying a mental load. In Strautniekas’ illustration, those heavy thoughts seep into the body like described by Martin Luther’s words, “heavy thoughts bring on physical maladies; when the soul is oppressed so is the body.” He crafts thoughtful symbology in the connection between mental and physical strain.
Strautniekas molds his scenes from muted color and bold shapes. There is a directness to his work. Each piece contains a single thought brushed with warmth and intelligence. In Strautneikas’ hands, each rendered as a poem, its purpose defined and perfectly committed to the canvas.
‘Heavy Thoughts’ by Karolis Strautniekas
‘Dogtooth’ by Karolis Strautniekas
‘Pike’ by Karolis Strautniekas
‘Deer’ by Karolis Strautniekas
‘The Lives Of Brian’ by Karolis Strautniekas
‘Lago Maggiore’ by Karolis Strautniekas
‘New Winds’ by Karolis Strautniekas