UK based illustrator Ben Turner casts his work under haunted daylight — his figures illuminated by the feature-reducing burn of the sun. A gifted figurative artist, Turner grounds each design element into the fabric of the canvas. The color and forms are there as scaffolding, holding the figure perfectly in place.
Turner illustrates the world of horror — that special brand of cinema with titles that defines its own fandom, the classic and the cult alike. In Turner’s hands, Halloween‘s Laurie Strode is aglow, a sophisticated teenager unknowingly prepared for an evening of terror and slaughter. He casts Blue Velvet‘s Jeffrey Beaumont in an unreal ghost-blue against a shock of red, the threat of blood, the promise of love.
Turner’s work is warm, welcoming the viewer inside this world of darkness, fright, and emotional exhaustion. He highlights the humanity that overcomes the perils set out for them by their creators.
‘Idols to Icons | Laurie Strode’ by Ben Turner
‘Midsommar’ by Ben Turner
‘In Dreams’ by Ben Turner
‘Mandy’ by Ben Turner
‘Let Us Prey’ Soundtrack Illustration by Ben Turner
Illustration for Burning Witch Records by Ben Turner