In early February of 2015, FITC (Future. Innovation. Technology. Creativity.) held FITC Tokyo 2015. The design event was held in Tokyo and to lead the presentation designer Ash Thorp directed a team of a global artists in creating a title sequence.
In their own words, the goal of FITC —
‘Discover NEW ideas and concepts, explore and push the limits of technology in design and art at FITC Tokyo 2015. Learn how designers and technologists are reinventing what their tools are designed for, finding alternate ways to get what they want, and pushing the boundaries of what is possible to avoid mediocrity.’
Thorp and his brought that statement to action in their work on the presentation’s title sequence. A visual mash of vibrant digital decay, at the rush against the hustle of Tokyo itself and the art it inspires.
For an in depth look at the team behind the titles give Motionographer’s article ‘Superteam proves power of collaboration in title sequence for FITC Tokyo‘ a read.