The Life of Design, The Design of Life: Bethany Heck



The work of designer Bethany Heck can read hectic — text on text, contrasting form, full-bleed of image and concept. Heck’s creativity is boundless, yet she keeps a gentle grip of control over it. Whether focused on baseball or data management, she keeps a clear finger on the map, the destination always crystal.

Unlike those in the fields of fine art and illustration, Heck sees her role as purposefully invisible. In an interview with HOW Magazine, she noted, “I don’t necessarily want someone to be able to look at my work and know who made it. Graphic design is a service; it’s applied art, so I try to use my skills, techniques, and style to support the goals of the project.” Her treatment of design as utilitarian imbues her work with the practicality of an everyday item, as she puts it, “the depth and height of the steps we climb, the level of salt in the snacks we eat, and the exact distance from the pitcher’s rubber to home plate on a baseball field. All of us are ignorant to hundreds of moments of design every single day.” By crafting design focused squarely on carrying its message and not her personality, Heck, the messenger, happily disappears.


The full interview with Heck by ETDC’s own Chris Jalufka is available on —

From Baseball to Microsoft: Branding & Typographic Design by Bethany Heck



Eephus League Magazine by Bethany Heck

Eephus League Magazine by Bethany Heck


Eephus League line of products by Bethany Heck

Eephus League line of products by Bethany Heck


Eephus League Magazine by Bethany Heck

Eephus League Magazine by Bethany Heck


Hive Works branding by Bethany Heck

Hive Works branding by Bethany Heck


Le Tigre design by Bethany Heck

Le Tigre design by Bethany Heck


Le Tigre poster by Bethany Heck

Le Tigre poster by Bethany Heck


Design by Bethany Heck

Design by Bethany Heck


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