By Chris Jalufka | 12.13.2013
Filmmaker Anthony Scott Burns‘ short film ‘Manifold‘ is a tech-noir narrative of an engineer on the run — hunted by more than just the local authorities.
Designer Ash Thorp (Ender’s Game, Total Recall, Prometheus) was on board to assist with the computer interface graphics, poster concepts, and robotic prop designs.
I found the film through following the work of Ash Thorp, a creative that can get me interested in anything he’s touched. Projects like this have that feeling of friends (albeit incredibly talented friends) getting together to create something special — everyone involved offering up their expertise in their given field. The world needs more of this.
Previously on Evil Tender Dot Com — Story & Movement: Interview with Designer Ash Thorp
That was beyond engaging. Rare to watch a short that makes you think for so long afterwards
Agreed! Impressive work on all fronts.